Facts & Figures
Success Stories

“We set up our headquarters in Huangpu in 2013. In the past decade, thanks to the favorable business environment and industrial policies here, we’ve managed to achieve fast and healthy growth. Through digital transformation and global expansion, MINO has grown into a world-leading smart manufacturer of automobile equipment. Looking ahead, we will continue to make independent innovations and dedicate ourselves to smart manufacturing for sustainable and leapfrog development on the fertile soil of Huangpu.”
President & Chairman of Guangzhou MINO Equipment Co., Ltd.
Your Huangpu
Touchpoint in Europe
Our team from Invest in Huangpu is located in Germany, but we are supporting companies and partners from all over Europe. We are looking forward to helping you with information, consultancy, local contacts, and execution services on your journey to the world’s largest IoT, Green Transition and Smart Urbanisation Mega-City-Cluster: GREATER BAY AREA. We are on your side, from the initial assessment to project closure and business development in Huangpu District (Guangzhou).

Mobile: +49 (0) 173 54 65 228
E-Mail: fidan.huseynli@huangpu-europe.com
WeChat: FidanHus82
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